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TRIPTYCH: Time Space Feelings
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Time Space Feelings

The project is a collage of a few moments, capturing the atmosphere of this unusual, disturbing and life changing year. Since I’ve been mainly secluded in a village outside of the city from April, the stories behold the common psycho-emotional state we all share during the lack of human contact. The visual narrative is swaying between silence and the sounds of the world as it is. In the midst of the new, rather surreal reality, I think we’ve become better spectators and observers, noticing hidden aspects of the surrounding and ourselves, as well as depicting unseen or forgotten sounds, scents, (body)languages, emotions, thoughts... I’ve been trying to capture and assemble my everydayness as much as I could throughout these months of common insecurity and lack of freedom caused by the pandemic and the global turbulence of many kinds. But most importantly, I’ve been trying to reinvent it and transform it into pieces that could be easily touched, seen, heard and felt, without the restrictions of the contemporary - today.


August 2020

The poem

Како да се изгради океан

Пред некој ден, кај Токарчук прочитав за постоењето на многу корисно упатство:

„Како да се изгради океан“.

Упатството било сместено во ќоше во некое списание, а сите детали за градењето подредени под букви во уредни шеми.

Не знаев каде да го барам тоа непознато,

но особено важно списание,

меѓу старите весници расфрлани на терасата немаше ништо слично.

Решив да му допуштам на трпението да биде такво какво што најмногу сака да биде - нетрпеливо, па ја земав лопатата и ископав дупка на средина од дворот.

Сега, од таму блика вода и не знам дали ми е страв да не ја поплави земјата или сум среќна дека сум го пронашла изворот на новиот океан.

How to build an ocean

The other day, while reading something

from Tokarchuk,

I learned about the existence of a very useful guide:

"How to build an ocean."

The manual was placed in a corner of a magazine, with the construction details arranged under letters in neat patterns.

I didn't know where to look for this unknown, but extremely important magazine,

there was nothing like it among the old newspapers scattered all over the terrace.

I decided to let my patience be what it mostly likes

to be - impatient, so I took the shovel to dug a hole in the middle of the yard.

Water has gushed out and I don't know

if I am afraid of flooding the earth or am I

happy to have found the source of a new ocean.

The project was part of the International Forum of Performance Art, Drama, Greece, September 2020

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